Do you know that as a christian,you have a right to financial breakthrough?
Many christians today are slaves to money.!I used to be for years.
In this blog post; however, I will show you how to get financial breakthrough as a christian.Being a slave to money,most times is not something we do conciously.
Infact, as you are reading this ,you might not even know that you might be a slave to money.
I want you to know today,that that is not Gods plan for us.
Money is an abominable God,A terrible master but on the other hand a wonderful slave.80% of people in the world today are slaves to money.
That means if you are in that group, you do not yet have financial breakthrough.
What then are the signs to show your lark of financial breakthrough?
firstly,when you stress your self so hard to get it.
secondly when you do what you hate doing to get.Finally when you spend all your life running after it.
If you are doing these things,I am sorry to say ,you are a slave to money.
This statement is not to make you ashamed or angry.
Rather, I pray it will increase a desire in you to make money your slave.The question then now is:
God in his mercy and love ,has given us instructions on how to get financial breakthrough.
It is left for us to find this instructions and practice it.One of the secrets to financial breakthrough in the bible,is to stop worrying.
Yeah I can hear you say that is easier said than done.

I understand you perfectly.I used to worry about my bills years ago.
But today ,I dont.
I learnt the practical ways to stop worrying.
It is not an easy process.But it is possible.
If it was not possible,the Lord will not tell us in Mathew 6 vs 25-34, 3 times not to worry.That is because worry drives you to stress yourself with all kinds of work.
So when God says “do not worry”,he knows that the end result of worry will be slavery.
Similarly,if you want to have financial breakthrough in you life,you need to start from there.
Never pray to God for money or finances.God does not rain down money.
On the other hand, He gives us the ability to get the money!
How then can you pray for financial breakthrough?We pray to God to bless us with this abilities.The first ability is to ask God to grant you te desire to lay up treasures in heaven.
Desiring and praying to lay up treasures in heaven,is a mental shift in prayer.
It is only through the help of the Holy Spirit that you can genuinely accomplish this.This will require time and consistency.
It is not automatic.
The good news however,is automatic financial breakthrough when you do accomplish this.
If you dont know how to lay up treasures in heaven,watch the youtube video below.
I took time to explain step by step how you can lay up treasures in heaven.
My number 1 verse for financial breakthrough in the bible is Mathew 6 vs 33
33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.This is avery popular scripture.
Unfortunately most people do not practice it.
what are the things God is talking about?
It is everything that makes you a slave to money.
Cloths ,houses, food, bills.But God says do not pursue these things.
Instead pursue things that will increase my kingdom and every other thing you desire will be added to you!.This is one of the quickest routes to financial breakthrough for you as a christian.
other bible verses for financial breakthrough include:
Philippians 4 vs 19 “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.
Deuteronomy 8 vs 18
“But remember the Lord your God, for it is He Who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms His covenant, which He swore to your ancestors, [just] as it is today.”
Check out other bible verses for financial breakthroughs here
Please stop asking God for things.
To some people reading this,that is going to be a huge challenge.
Change your prayer points if you want to have financial breakthrough in your life.
James 4 vs 3 states that
3 When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.
This means that God is more interested in the intensions behind what you are asking for.
Your number one financial breakthrough prayer point,is to ask God to change your intensions.
secondly,ask God to open your eyes to your abilities(Deuteronomy 8 vs 18) ,and the wisdom to use these abilities to create wealth.
What are abilities? These are ideas ,skills,schemes,wisdom.
Remember Solomon the richest man in the bible.
Solomon never asked God for things.
Instead, he asked for wisdom.
check out Solomons prayer from 1 kings 3 vs 5-15. Sit with it. Coin out financial breakthrough prayer points from it.
The bible says that God gives us abilities to get wealth.Then start asking God to give you what he wants to give you!
Ask God to open your eyes to your abilities.The bible says that it is your gift or talents that will bring you before kings.
similarly,it means that you have something in you that is a solution to an influential person.!
The question is,
What is your gift?Have you found it?
Stop running after money.Use your time to discover your gift and sharpen it.
Money flows towards value. when you make yourself valuable and a solution giver,money will flow towards you.
Here is a short prayer you can say daily for financial breakthrough.
Dear Lord,I am very sorry for all these years I have been asking you for things.
From today Lord, please give me wisdom and contentment.
Help me to believe your word.
Show me lord the talents you have put inside of me.
And ideas on how to work on this talents,so that I can become a person of value.
In Jesus Name
Money is called “currency” which means in greek ,”to flow”.Money is suppose to flow towards you for you to have financial breakthrough.
Stop pursuing money.
Instead, do things that will attract money to you. And the good news is that the bible has given us things to do.
Specific things that will attract financial breakthrough in our life.
Start doing these thigs today.And see how your financial situation will quickly change for good.
If you are having any challenges about this area of your life,drop your comments.
Remember a problem shared is half solved.
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