Prayer is a process you learn.
In this blog post, I will take you through a step-by-step guide on how to pray.
There are some tips on how to pray and get results.
But before you can get to that stage, you need to learn how to pray first.
Most people will not agree that prayer is something they need to learn.
But If it is not learned, why did the disciples ask Jesus to teach them how to pray?
Take a moment to think about that.
Now that we have settled that, let’s find out:
The very reason we pray is
Firstly, so that we can communicate with God .
Secondly, we can find out what God’s purpose is for us.
And finally so that we can lay our petitions before him.
When we pray we expect to get answers.
The only way we can get answers to prayer is to pray according to the way the Bible says we should pray!
Apart from Jesus teaching his disciples how to pray.
There are other instances in the Bible where we can actually get some practical tips on how to pray. According to the Bible,
A typical example is James 4 vs 3,
“when you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.”
According to this statement it is the intentions behind a prayer that brings answers not necessarily the request .
The second tip on how to pray is found in Romans8 vs 26 .
“likewise, the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities, for we know not what we should pray for us we ought, but the spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.”
This simply means that it is the Holy Spirit that actually guides us to pray prayers that will get us answers.
If you just gave your life to Christ,
The first thing you need to do is learn how to pray as a beginner.
To do that, the first thing is to open your heart to the Holy Spirit.
learn how to understand how the Spirit of God speaks to you and to your mind.
Secondly, before you pray, call upon the Holy Spirit to come and guide you through the prayer.

Similarly try to follow the sequence that the Lord used to teach his disciples how to pray:
I am not saying that you should recite the Lord’s Prayer!
All I’m saying is that if you look at the Lord’s Prayer, it follows a certain sequence.
The first thing is to acknowledge God as your provider and as your Lord.
Next sequence is to pray that the ways of heaven, the precepts of heaven may be established on Earth.
Following this, pray that the will of God shall be made manifest on Earth in the lives of people.
Then ask God to forgive you every sin you may have committed knowingly or unknowingly.
Finalize it by asking him to protect you from any kind of temptation and any kind of attack from the evil one, both seen and unseen. Those are the steps to follow on how to pray as a new Christian.
In this section of the blogpost I am going to be showing you how I actually start a prayer example .
The very first thing I do is to listen to the scriptures for the day .
I get my scripture reading from one year Bible daily reading. And this is so good because It always prepares me for my prayer session with God .
Once I am done with that, I go on my knees and sing praise and worship songs.
I then thank God for all the blessings he has bestowed upon my family.
Thirdly, I pray for his will to be done in our lives and in the lives of our nations. Then , I place all my requests before him according to the leading of the Spirit. The next point is to ask for forgiveness of sins, both known and unknown.
Similarly, I ask for guidance throughout the day to be able to make the right decisions.
I then ask for protection of my family and every other person I know.
I ask for deliverance from all kinds of evil or attacks of the evil one .
And finally I end the prayers by thanking God for answering all my requests and for guiding me along the path he wants me to follow
Look 11 vs 9- 13 contains the four steps in prayer that is important.
And these four things are:
Number one the Holy Spirit :
2. ASK.
Verse 9 of Luke 11 says, “Ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you.”
And then, if you go down to verse 13 It says, “If you then that are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children. How much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him”.
Is it not amazing how many times we go and knock at a door and then we enter afterwards. When there is trouble, we then come back and ask .
That sequence, however, is wrong!
And that is probably why a lot of Christians get into unnecessary trouble when they feel that God is not answering their prayers.
The 4 steps on how to pray ,have the right sequence to follow.
Those are the first steps in prayer that are important and when you follow the steps in their proper sequence then that is how to pray according to the Bible.
There are a lot of examples in the Bible on how to pray. Particularly in the Old Testament.
I’ll show you scriptures on how Abraham used to pray to God. (Genesis 18:16-33)
Including scriptures on Solomons prayer to God.(1Kings 3vs 5-15)
I’m particularly interested in the way David used to communicate with God in prayer.(Psalm 25) (Psalms 72),(Psalm 51)
And of course, Elijah’s prayer for miracles .(1 Kings 18:41-19:8)
Similarly, what of the way Jesus prayed to God in the Garden of Gethsemane.(Matthew 26:36-56)
These are all how to pray examples and Bible verses that can actually help you to pray for a particular thing as a Christian
Create time to go through all these Bible verses list above.
And believe me for each of those prayers, you’re going to learn something that will help you know how to pray according to the Bible.
Father, I thank you so much for this message on prayer .
I ask that whoever has read this blog post or is reading this blog post will have an understanding of how to pray.
And also how to communicate with you properly.
I hope that we will understand that we all need the Holy Spirit to guide us in prayer.
Let us know that this will help us not to pray amiss.
But rather ,we will pray according to your will and your purpose and your timing for our lives.
This I ask through Christ our lord.
That is my take on a practical step by step guide on how to pray.
I hope you learned one or two things from this guide.
How is your prayer life?
Do you have challenges when you pray?
Or are you frustrated that you pray and you don’t get answers and you’re tired?
Drop your comments below and let us discuss.
Don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest for more spiritual tips.
Remain blessed.