biblical tips to get out of debts


Are there biblical tips to get out of debt?

Debt can be a burdensome challenge that many individuals face in their lives.

The Bible offers guidance on overcoming financial struggles and achieving freedom from debt.

People are drowning in debt; they are struggling to make ends meet, and they are losing sleep over their finances.

We are called to be different.

Yes, you are in this world, but you don’t have to be like everybody else in this world.

I also have debts that I am paying.

depts that if I had known what I know now, I would not have gotten into the depts at all.

God’s will for your life is for you to prosper and be in good health, even as your souls prosper.

It is not His will for you to be a slave to your debts.

Learn the Christian way to get out of debt .

This will help you break free from the chains of poverty, lack, worry, stress, and debt.

It will bring financial freedom that will bless your life and your family.

Before we get into the biblical tips for getting out of debt,first ask yourself a question.

Why and how did you get into debt?

Because if you do not answer this question first and deal with it,you may get into more debt in the future.

Let’s take a look at a few reasons why people get into debt.

Low income or underemployment

Some people in lower-income jobs find it hard to meet their bills .

Or to put money into savings .

This is because there isn’t much money left at the end of the month from their wages.

Living paycheck to paycheck can leave you in a precarious situation.

Especially if you face a large bill or an unforeseen payment.

Poor money management

Poor money management is one of the greatest reasons to get into debts. Look at your bank statements and make a spending diary to work out what you are spending money on .

Buy things according to your within what you have per time.

High costs of living

Some areas of the country have higher costs of living than others. Several things can factor into a higher cost of living, such as higher house prices, rental demands, and longer commutes. All these factors affect regular expenses, which could leave you short when it comes to meeting other financial obligations.

Overuse of credit cards

Store cards and interest-free credit deals can sound tempting.

However if you fail to keep up with repayments or are already struggling with others, it’s best to avoid taking on any more debt.

Unexpected expenses

Sometimes accidents happen, whether it’s the boiler breaking down or an illness that leaves you unable to work. Having access to savings or a good insurance policy can act as a buffer when you’re faced with large one-off payments.

These events are sometimes unavoidable and just a case of bad luck, so it helps to have access to a fund to cover such emergencies.

Declining health and medical expenses

Healthcare can be expensive, from purchasing medication to ongoing costs in the event an illness leaves you unable to work. Declining health and medical expenses are a common cause of debt for many.

Although it’s best to live a healthy lifestyle, some illnesses are the result of unfortunate events or accidents.

Job loss

The regular salary from a job provides a lot of security and means you know there is money to pay the bills and put food on the table.

Should you suddenly lose your job or be unable to meet your bills, you could be faced with looming payments or have to use credit or debt services to cover your costs.

Living beyond your means

The fastest way to get into debt is to spend more money than you earn. Though it may not always be possible, try to live within your means. Cutting down on unnecessary expenses and finding ways you can lower your monthly outgoings, such as by traveling by foot or bike or cooking at home, can help reduce your expenses.

Not having a budget

Not having a budget is one of the simplest causes of debt. By not being aware of how much money you have, you could be more likely to spend more than you have access to. By monitoring your finances, you can stay on top of payments and be more aware of how much money is left in your account.

Lack of an emergency fund or savings

It can be hard to save money, especially when you’re already in debt or your monthly pay packet doesn’t allow for the wiggle room. However, if you save up a small emergency fund, or even enough to cover a few months’ expenses, you can put yourself in a good position should anything go wrong.

Now that we know how and why we are in debt, what are the biblical tips to get out of these debts?

First, confess your wrong attitude towards money and pray for God to guide you through the journey to get out of debt.

Place your journey to financial freedom in God’s hands. Ask for wisdom and knowledge.

Commit yourself before the Lord to follow His guidelines for success that are found in His word and to trust Him with your finances.

Stop using credit cards.

You don’t have to close your cards, but you need to cut all your cards but one. If you must have credit cards, leave one card for emergencies only.And keep those cards in a place where you cannot easily access them.


Make a list of everything that you owe: mortgage, cars, personal loans, student loans, furniture, etc. Also, write down all your bills and all your needs.


The word of God is full of power. Every one of those words came out of the mouth of God. Those are the same words that God used to create the world and everything you see.

God responds to his word. Find scriptures to stand on: Scriptures that will help you get out of debt and believe in God according to what they say.

Here are a few scriptures that you can use.


  • Deuteronomy 28:12 The LORD will send rain at the proper time from his rich treasury in the heavens and will bless all the work you do. You will lend to many nations, but you will never need to borrow from them.
  • Phillippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
  • Phillippians 4:19 And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus.
how to get out of debt
how to get out of debt
  • Romans 13:8 Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law.
  • Malachi 3:10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this,” says the LORD of hosts. “If I do not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such a blessing that there will not be enough room to receive it,
  • 2 Corinthians 9:10 Now may He, who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness.
  • Galatians 6:9 Let us not become weary of doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

Make a Quality Decision to get out of debt

Like any spiritual victory, becoming debt-free begins with a decision. What is a quality decision?That means it is no longer an option to go to the bank and borrow money—that’s over. You don’t do that anymore. Once you’ve made a quality decision, there is no retreat, no turning back, no more room for debate or argument—it simply doesn’t come to the table anytime you discuss what you’re believing in.

Let’s face it—you’ll have plenty of opportunities in the future to be tempted to borrow money. It seems quick and easy; “everyone” is doing it, and you might even think you’ll never be able to acquire what you need without going into debt. A quality decision protects you from compromising—it forces you to stand in faith, to live by the Word of God, and to conquer every financial mountain with an overwhelming victory—one that can only be enjoyed without taking on debt.

If you are in debt right now and you are seeking to pursue and achieve a debt-free life, remember—there is no condemnation. God does not want you to live in guilt or shame over past mistakes

Get Into a Covenant Agreement

To live debt-free, you must come to a place where you see God as your source, not people. Meditate on it continually and say repeatedly,God is my source.” Let this become so real in your spirit that you no longer think of your income, your job, your bank account, or a loan as your source. God is your source. His will for you is for you to get out of debt—settle that in your heart today, and let Him be your one and only source, your master financier.

biblical tips to be free from debt
biblical tips to be free from debt

He will get money from you.

While you don’t want to be in covenant with the bank, an important step toward debt freedom is coming into a covenant agreement with your spouse or someone who will stand with you in faith to remain debt-free.

Matthew 18:19 says, “If two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven” (NKJV).

When you stand in agreement to live debt-free, you are believing and agree

ing to fulfill God’s will for you (Romans 13:8).

3. Allow the Spirit of God to Lead You as you get out of debt

As you continue in this new venture toward a debt-free life, a critical part of the journey is to seek God’s wisdom and allow the Spirit of God to lead you.

When God’s wisdom is known, the peace that passes understanding takes over. Deadlines won’t mean anything to you, and the situation will begin to look easier and easier.

Begin by saying the following:

  • God has a good plan for me (Jeremiah 29:11)
  • I receive God’s plan for me to get out of debt by faith, and I do not doubt (James 1:5-8)
  • God’s plan comes out of the realm of the spirit—not the natural (1 Corinthians 2:9–10)
  • I have the ability to hear and do God’s plan to help me get out of debt (Psalm 85:8)
  • I am obedient to God’s plan. Whatever He tells me to do, I will do it so i can get out of debt (Isaiah 1:19)!

As you listen to the Spirit of God, you will begin to see Him work. Keep an eye out! Keep listening to God, following what He says, and watching for the supernatural.


As you set out to get out of debt, open your spiritual ears to hear where and how much God wants you to sow for your harvest. God calls us to trust him, and giving generously forces us to do just that.

As money begins to come to you, sometimes the Lord will instruct you to put money toward your debt, while other times He will direct you to sow. His plan is perfect! So, tune in and listen to His instructions—don’t assume what you should do. He wants to bless you beyond your income, your salary, and your natural means—beyond anything you’ve ever known.

No matter what, do not quit giving, do not quit sowing, and do not quit tithing.

That’s your key to success!

Start practicing these biblical tips and in no time you will be debt-free, in Jesus name, Amen

Enorita James

A Christian woman that loves God and teaches what I learn about God everyday of my life

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